Easily check your oil tank level on the Alice app and get notified when you’re running low.
If you order oil on-demand to take advantage of cheaper per gallon prices, Alice ensures you’ll never forget to place your order at the right moment.
If you’re an auto-fill customer with your local oil company, Alice prevents unexpected empty tanks when usage spikes due to a house full of guests or severe weather. Just check the app to see your current tank level data and schedule any extra deliveries you may need in advance.
Is your tank located in a hard-to-access crawl space, or do you have trouble going up and down basement stairs?
Do you want to monitor the tank of a relative so you both feel secure they won’t unexpectedly run out of oil?
Do you travel during the winter months and want to keep an eye on your tank level from away?
Does your oil usage spike during holidays or cold snaps?
With Alice, you can check your tank levels any time, anywhere.
View and track your historical consumption data
Connect multiple gauges to one account
iOS app, Android app, and website account access
Alexa compatible
Alice lets you take control of your oil tank
A small footnote: where did our company name come from?
No, it has nothing to do with Alice in Wonderland. Alice is named to honor Alice Parker, an unsung African American woman who received a patent in 1919 for the design of a gas fired central heating furnace. Her design was the first to use natural gas as a household fuel and changed the way millions of people heat their home but, unlike Mr. Willis Carrier and Mr. Dave Lennox, she has no company in her name and has received no popular credit for her invention. She has nearly vanished in history. We are proud to honor her work by naming our company and our gauge after her. Here is an article that gives more information about Alice Parker: What We Know About Alice Parker