Before Purchasing


What types of tanks is Alice compatible with?

At the moment, Alice works with the following tank types:

  • Standard 275 Gallon Vertical Tank (most common)
  • Standard 275 Gallon Horizontal Tank (looks like a vertical tank, laying on its side)
  • Standard 330 Gallon Vertical Tank
  • Standard 330 Gallon Horizontal Tank
  • Roth 275 Gallon Vertical Tank
  • 138 Gallon Round Tank
  • 240 Gallon Vertical Tank

Alice will also work if you have tethered tanks (two of the above tanks connected together.) The gauge will NOT work with the Roth 1500L (400 gallon tank) OR underground tanks.

If you are unsure of what tank you have, look for a label on the side of the tank. You can also snap a picture of your tank and email it to us at If you have a different size or type of tank than listed above, email us; we may already support it. If not, we may be able to add your tank type. We will need the tank table for your kind of tank (the tank table equates inches of oil to gallons of oil).

My oil tank is outdoors. Will this work?

If your wifi reaches to your tank outside, then the gauge will technically work. If you received your Alice prior to January 4, 2019 your Alice is not designed or recommended for outdoor use.

If you use your gauge outdoors, be sure to install the silicon a cap on top, which protects the electronics for outdoor use. You need to request a silicon cap when ordering the Alice 4.0.

Depending on where you live, the cold outside temperatures may limit or shorten the life of the battery. The circuitry in the sensor of the gauge is rated to -4F. If using the Alice 4.0, be sure to use Energizer AA Lithium batteries (this is a bit confusing, these are NOT the same lithium batteries used in previous versions of Alice).

Dramatic changes in temperatures during the day may lead to erratic readings. We are still studying the readings from outdoor gauges to determine what temperature differentials lead to erratic readings.

Where do I find my gauge ID?

On the Alice 4, the gauge ID is located inside the battery compartment. On previous versions of Alice, the gauge ID is located on the inside rim of the bottom of the gauge.

Is there a fee to use Alice?

Beyond the initial purchase price of the Alice gauge, there is no additional cost to use the gauge or app.

What kind of batteries does the Alice gauge use?

Alice 4.0 uses two (2) regular AA batteries, which are the kind that you can buy at any store. If you are using your Alice 4.0 outside, use Energizer "Ultimate Lithium" AA batteries (these are 1.5v each and be purchased in most stores that sell AA batteries).

Alice 3.4 and earlier models use one (1) AA lithium metal 3.6 volt battery. You CANNOT purchase this type of AA battery in a store. When you need a replacement lithium metal battery, you can purchase one through Amazon. We recommend the SafT brand.

The estimated battery life is 1-3 years for an inside tank, and 1 year for outside tanks (Alice 4s used on an outside tank should use the Energizer "ultimate lithium" AA battery).

I have two tanks tied together. Will Alice work with my tanks?

Yes. We call these tanks "tethered." Important note: the Alice gauge needs to placed on the tank with the whistle stop. When tanks are tethered together, this means that you need to place the gauge on the second tank (i.e., the tank furthest from the fill pipe). If each tank has its own fill pipe, each tank should have a whistle stop and it will not matter which tank you put the gauge on. IMPORTANT: putting the Alice gauge on the first tank (the tank closest to the fill pipe) will likely result in the gauge being ruined, as oil will fill up high enough to coat the sensor.

Can I access Alice with Alexa, Echo, Google Assistant, Cortana or Siri? Can Alice be integrated with iFTTT?

Alice is now compatible with Alexa! We are working on further integrations, in the order of the number of requests that we get from customers. At the moment Google Home is the most requested next integration. If you have an interest in having Alice connected to a platform other than Alexa, please email us at and let us know which home assistant or platform you use.

How frequently does Alice update?

The Alice gauge will take a reading automatically approximately every 6 hours. Wait at least 6 1/2 hours before concluding that your gauge will not take a reading.

While you are not able to change the interval, you can manually force a reading at any time by following the instructions in the link below. Note you will need to be able to physically press the button on the top of the gauge.

Every time you reconnect your gauge to your WiFi you start the ~6 hour time over again.

How To Force A Reading

What happens if my oil delivery company fills my tank to the very top and oil gets on the Alice gauge?

Every oil tank is supposed to have a “whistle stop” on it, which prevents tanks from being overfilled. And oil does not splash around during tank fills, so getting oil on the gauge should not be of concern for normal usage.

How accurate is Alice?

The gauge measures to +/- 4% at the current time although we are constantly working on refining the gauge’s accuracy.

Can it take readings when my tank is full?

Alice will read the level of your tank whether it is completely full, empty or somewhere in between.

How do I know if I have a 2" or a 1 1/2" opening on my tank?

There are 2", 1 1/2" (or 1 1/4") and 1" openings on tanks. Newer tanks will have all 2" openings, but older tanks can have any of the three sizes. Take a ruler and measure the diameter of the circular fitting on your tank. This dimension will tell you whether it is a 2", 1 1/2" or 1" opening. For sample images, click here.

How will Alice alert me that my oil tank needs to be filled?

When you set up your app, you will be asked to enter your email address. Under Settings, you have the choice of when to receive alerts: 1/2 full, 1/3 full, 1/4 full and 1/8 full. If you enter your mobile number when setting up the gauge you can receive text alerts as well as email alerts.

What kind of internet connection does Alice require?

The gauge requires a strong WiFi connection at your tank to broadcast your data appropriately. Currently, it will only work with a 2.4ghz WiFi connection (if you don't know what type of network you have, it's likely 2.4ghz).

Does Alice work with Amazon's Alexa / Echo Devices?

Yes. See below for instructions on how to set that up.

Does Alice work with Google Home?


Will Alice work with an underground tank?

No. Underground tanks have a pipe which leads down to the tank itself. This fill pipe is narrow and the laser will hit the side of the fill pipe before it gets to the oil level, leading to inaccurate readings.

After Purchasing


Is there an online manual?

If you want to view the step-by-step instructions on your computer while you're going through the setup process, check out the links on the following page:

Getting Started

How do I find the Alice app in the app store?

Search for "Alice Metrics"; sorry, the app stores would not let us name the app either Alice or My Alice.

How do I install Alice on my tank?

For most tanks, you will need a pipe wrench to help you get the metal cap off the opening in the top of the tank that you want to use. This can require some good uppper body strength, as that cap has likely never been opened since the tank was manufactured.

After you have removed your old fitting, DO NOT USE A PIPEWRENCH OR OTHER TOOL TO TIGHTEN YOUR ALICE. Just tighten it with your hand. Do not overtighten the gauge as this will put pressure on the threads and may break the plastic housing.

It is against the instructions of most oil furnaces to use Teflon tape anywhere in connection with oil. So, do NOT use Teflon tape on your Alice gauge as it may void your warranty and may be against your state heating regulations.

As to "pipe dope" or pipe seal: these are noted as safe for petroleum products. Generally they are used when one piece fits into another piece with a "straight" screw. The Alice gauge uses a tapered screw, so that there should be no need to use pipe dope to avoid any oil smell from leaking out.

If your tank is outside, pipe dope should not be necessary if the gauge is tightened firmly with your hand but we cannot say for sure that this will be sufficient to keep water out of your tank. Therefore, to be absolutely sure that no water gets into your tank around the threads of the gauge, you may wish to use a light amount of pipe dope on the outside threads of the gauge.

We do suggest putting your old fitting in a ziploc bag to keep the old fitting from putting the oil smell into the air, and keeping it on hand in case you ever need to remove your Alice gauge.

Sealing the Alice gauge for outdoor use or to avoid oil odors

If you are using the gauge on an outdoor tank, or if you notice the smell of oil seeping out after you install your gauge indoors, you can apply pipe sealant (also called "pipe dope") around the threads of the Alice gauge before installing it on your tank. Look for a sealant that is marked as safe for petroleum products.

Note that the use of Teflon tape around oil is not recommended by most oil furnace manufacturers. The use of this tape may void your tank warranty and may be against your state heating regulations.

I just set up my account and installed my Alice gauge on my tank, but the dashboard of the app is not showing my tank level yet.

If the gauge is successfully connected to your wifi, it will take a reading automatically approximately every 6 hours, so you should see data appear ~6 hours after installation. To be safe, wait 6 1/2 hours before updating your app to check for a new reading.

If you want to take a reading before then, follow the instructions in the link below:

Take a Manual Reading for Alice model 3 and 4

Take a Manual Reading for Alice models 1 and 2

How far down into the tank opening should the gauge go?

When you screw the Alice gauge into the tank opening, it might not go all the way down; many of our customers still have about half the threads showing when the gauge gets nice and tight.

Why is my Alice App not showing me a reading from today?

To refresh the data in your Alice App, click on the refresh icon in the top right corner (click here for a screenshot of the icon). If that does not work, try doing a hard close (do not log out of the app, just close it) and then re-opening it. If neither of these works, please contact us using the green Support button.

Why does the Alice app require that I enter my mobile number?

To be able to send you text and push alerts on your phone.

How can I take a reading immediately if I don't want to wait for the next automatic reading?

Please visit the following pages for detailed instructions on how to take a manual reading:

What do the four digits in front of my gauge ID mean?

Those four digits tell us the year and week of the year that your gauge was manufactured. "1941" means that your gauge was manufactured in the 41st week of 2019. Your gauge ID is the six digits after the dash. Alice 1 gauges have only a six digit gauge ID.

How do I know what model gauge or firmware number I have?

Open your app and look at the dashboard (the main page, white background). The gauge model and firmware number will be displayed in small print next to the battery icon at the bottom.

How do I set up my Amazon Echo / Alexa device to work with Alice?

During the setup process with Alexa, you will be asked to provide your Smart Home Code. You will find that in the settings section of the App. This will link your Alexa account to your Alice. You will also need to go to skills in the Alex app and enable the skill "My Alice". After that you will be able say "Alexa open My Alice" and then ask "Alexa, how much oil do I have in my tank?". We look forward to suggestions from our users on what else they would like to ask Alice. Please send suggestions to

How do I connect or re-connect my Alice to WiFi?

Connect to WiFi for Alice model 3 and 4:

Connect to WiFi for Alice models 1 and 2

I just changed my WiFi network. How do I update my Alice connection?

Update WiFi for Alice model 3 and 4:

Update WiFi for Alice models 1 and 2

I have a tethered tank. What do I enter in Fill Capacity for my gauge?

You can enter either the fill capacity for each tank or the combined fill capacity for the tanks tethered together. Examply: you have two 275 gallon vertical tanks. The combined fill capacity will be a MAXIMUM of 95% of 550 gallons ( 2 tanks x 275 gallons each). The best thing is to enter the maximum that you see after you fill your tank. To begin, enter either 95% of 275 (261 gallons) or 95% of 550 (522 gallons).

What do the four digits in front of my gauge ID mean?

Those four digits tell us the year and week of the year that your gauge was manufactured. "1941" means that your gauge was manufactured in the 41st week of 2019. Your gauge ID is the six digits after the dash. Alice 1 gauges have only a six digit gauge ID.

How do I know what model gauge or firmware number I have?

Open your app and look at the dashboard. The gauge model and firmware number will be displayed next to the battery icon at the bottom.

How do I set up my Amazon Echo / Alexa device to work with Alice?

During the setup process with Alexa, you will be asked to provide your Smart Home Code. You will find that in the settings section of the App. This will link your Alexa account to your Alice. You will also need to go to skills in the Alex app and enable the skill "My Alice". After that you will be able say "Alexa open My Alice" and then ask "Alexa, how much oil do I have in my tank?". We look forward to suggestions from our users on what else they would like to ask Alice. Please send suggestions to

Do I need to reconnect my gauge to my WiFi after I change the battery?


I just changed my WiFi network. How do I update my Alice connection?

Update WiFi for Alice models 3 and 4:

Update WiFi for Alice models 1 and 2:

I have a tethered tank. What do I enter in Fill Capacity for my gauge?

You can enter either the fill capacity for each tank or the combined fill capacity for the tanks tethered together. Examply: you have two 275 gallon vertical tanks. The combined fill capacity is 500 gallons. You can enter either 250, or 500.

How do I know if my gauge has battery power?

Press and release the blue button on the gauge. If you have battery power you should get one long blue blink.

Press and hold the button down for about 6-7 seconds. You should see a light amber/pale green light. When you see this light release the blue button. Seeing this light means that you do have battery power.

Models before the Alice 4 use a lithium metal battery. This type of battery has a "sleep" problem; lithium metal batteries do not always "wake up". So those batteries do not have a long shelf life. This is why we no longer stock the batteries, and why the factories that manufacture these batteries now only make them to order.

The Alice 4 uses regular AA batteries (or if an outside gauge we recommend the Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries). We have occasionally seens instances where AA batteries right out of the package do not work. If this happens just try another pair.